喔, 無斑點的悲戚
著 / Jay Hopler
譯 / Rob Voigt
看著她們--; 就像流血.
她們. 我看橄欖樹上棲息
某種古老的東西 (大約是教堂吧)
後面的月亮上漲, 前幾個昏星--. 從我書齋窗, 可以
那棟房子. 我要知道他那夜晚
在想著什麼 – 他首次
夜晚; 要知道是否有什麼
O, the Sadness Immaculate
Jay Hopler
The women in Rome are so beautiful,
It's like being beaten to death in slow motion,
Looking at them—; it's like bleeding.
It's like being beaten to death in slow motion,
Looking at them—; it's like bleeding.
So I don't look
At them. I look at the parrots nesting
In the olive trees,
At them. I look at the parrots nesting
In the olive trees,
The moon rising behind some ancient
Something-or-other (a church, probably), the first few stars—. From my study
window, I can
See the house where Galileo invented
Something-or-other (a church, probably), the first few stars—. From my study
window, I can
See the house where Galileo invented
The telescope. I wonder what he was
Thinking about that night—that night
He first searched
Thinking about that night—that night
He first searched
Heaven; I wonder what it was he was
Trying not to see.
Trying not to see.